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Development and Foundations of an AI Gateway

There are many challenges when developing an AI gateway for different applications.

The aim was to create a system that connects applications for different purposes - one of which is a TYPO3 extension - with the required AI models as flexibly and extensibly as possible. Depending on the task, different AIs have to be addressed one after the other before the result can be returned.

The preferred solution was an AI gateway on a separate server, which provides interfaces for processing requests and decides which AIs should be addressed. Load balancing was also required for smooth operation.
It should also be possible to bill individual queries. The gateway offers a store based on tokens and credits for this purpose. Before a query is sent, the gateway provides information to the application as to whether sufficient credits are available to fully process a query.
In order to create such a solution, various components must function in a coordinated manner. Morris will go into the technical basics in his presentation. He will also discuss which tools are suitable and how they work as a unit.

14.02.2025 13:15 - 14:00 Main room
Talk Starter / Overview DeveloperBusiness